Address: Madiki Kavel 23 - E:

Hours : Mon to Fri - 8am to 11am - 2pm to 5pm Sat/Sun - 8am to 11am
  Contact : +297 583 4482

MAS Therapy

The MAS Powerline relates to the body’s own electromagnetic oscillations and therefore promotes the natural healing processes of the body.

Like electricity, the magnetism is continuously maintained in our bodies by the presence of potassium, sodium and chlorine ions and magnetic materials. All body organs, nerves, muscles and other tissues produce different intensities of their own bio-magnetic fields.

In the frequency range of 0.5 to 7 Hertz, the magnetic field prepares your body to relax and sleep.

Relaxed learning consists of the frequency range of 8 to 14 hertz (alpha frequency). This encourages and promotes quiet, calm thinking while activating concentration and absorption of large amounts of information. In this so-called alpha state, the body and mind are capable of extraordinary achievements.

Field strength over 30 Gauss (3 mTesla) • 12 pre-programs • 8 level adjustable intensity settings (power) • simple operation • specifically developed for use in the home • Multisystem (Sinus frequency 1–9999 Hz and .2 Hz square wave) • MAS Powerline provides 4 simple modes of application settings.


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